The TOEFL test is primarily used in the United States to assess the English language skills of those applying to study abroad. Therefore, if a student wants to enroll in a university, school or college in the United States, it is best for him to take the TOEFL. Moreover, the test result remains valid for two years and can be used by students to achieve short-term goals. However, if you are looking to study in the United Kingdom (Britain), the IELTS test (Test of English as a Second Language) is the best choice for you.
TOEFL stands for Test of English as a Foreign Language, a test that most American and Canadian universities require to prove proficiency in the English language. This test assesses reading, speaking and writing skills to perform academic tasks in English.
Language skills refer to how to master grammar and its four skills (speaking, listening, writing, and reading). These skills undoubtedly form the basis on which the grades you want to obtain are based.
من أهم مهارات الإختبار إدارة الوقت، والقدرة على التركيز لفترات طويلة، وعدم التوتر، والإعتياد على أنماط الأسئلة وغيرها من المهارات التي لا غنى عنها. وتتيح لك هذه المهارات فرصة الحصول على أعلى الدرجات بالاستعانة بمستوى مهارات اللغة لديك .
You should know that preparing for the test by practicing and solving exams only is the wrong way! There are two sets of skills that you must master to pass the test:
Pro English Abu Dhabi encourages its students to practice constantly so that they can speak fluently, write with more detail, use appropriate language and form sentences, even at beginner levels.
فضلا عن دراسة القواعد، والكلمات، والنطق، يتمحور تركيز المعهد على مهارات الدراسة، والمهارات الخاصة، والإستراتيجيات المتنوعة، لتحسين الأداء في القراءة والكتابة والإستماع والمحادثة.
غالبا ما نضع خطة دراسة فردية لطلاب التوفل لمساعدتهم في تحديد دراساتهم بنحو مستقل. ونستعين بمجموعة متنوعة من أدوات التدريب المتاحة في المعهد لمساعدة الطلاب في إجتياز التوفل بأعلى الدرجات.
صمم معهد برو انجلش أبوظبي وسائل للإستعداد لإختبار التوفل ومن بينها العديد من نماذج التدريب على إختبار التوفل، وسيدلك خبراء المعهد على طريقة الإجابة الصحيحة على هذه النماذج للتعرف على كيفية إجتياز اختبار التوفل.
First, the scores on both tests vary from one test to another. IELTS scores are on a scale from 1 to 9, while TOEFL scores are multi-skill. Your score is calculated in the different sections of the test. A microphone is used for speaking in the TOEFL test and you have to answer six questions through the microphone.
IELTS is the most popular test in the UK and Europe, while TOEFL is the most recognized test in American, Canadian and Australian universities. However, most universities now recognize both tests. Both tests have the same purpose, which depends on the destination chosen by the student. You can also take the test online (computer-delivered test), which is a popular option for many students living abroad.
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